When Is Tick Season in Charlotte?

We are right in the heart of the summer here in Charlotte, and we are glad for it! The sunny days, warm temperatures and family memories make summer a hard season to beat. One downfall of the season, though, is all of the bugs and creepy crawlies that come out.

The ticks are out in abundance this year, so you need to stay vigilant! Ticks can be found at any time of year in North Carolina, but they are more prevalent from spring to early fall.

Our AFC Urgent Care Monroe Road team explains some ways to avoid tick bites and what to do if one bites you below, so read on to learn more.

Are Tick Bites Painful?

Ticks can be found virtually anywhere outside. They can be hiding in the grass, in your bushes or even on the leaves in the trees. If you brush against one, they can grab onto your clothes and then they will find their way to your skin. Not everyone can feel a tick as it crawls, so many people don’t notice or even feel it when a tick bites them.

If you get bitten, the most painful part will be removing it! Ticks will embed themselves into your skin and drink your blood until they have had their fill, so one might be really attached to you by the time you find it. The faster you move to remove it, the greater the chance you have of avoiding Lyme disease. While not all ticks are carrying Lyme disease, those that are need to be attached to you for at least 36 hours to transmit the disease.

How to Remove a Tick

  • Use a clean tweezers and pull slowly and steadily away from the skin.
  • Do not twist as you pull.
  • Take a picture of the tick.
  • Dispose in the garbage between a piece of tape or flush it down the toilet.
  • Wash your hands and the bite site thoroughly.

Will I Get Sick If I Am Bitten by a Tick?

Remember, it is not a guarantee that you will get sick with Lyme disease. The risk is always there, but if you are confident you got it out quickly and completely, you will most likely be just fine. Just keep an eye on any new symptoms of illness over the course of the next month. Lyme disease symptoms can range from a bulls-eye rash around the bite site to full body aches and chills.

Time is of the essence when it comes to catching and treating Lyme disease. The longer you wait to treat your symptoms with antibiotics, the greater chance you have of experiencing long-term fatigue or chronic pain as a result.

How to Avoid Tick Bites

  • Tuck your pant legs into your shoes or socks.
  • Wear bug spray with DEET.
  • Avoid heavily wooded areas and long grasses.
  • Check your skin frequently.

If you are ever worried about an animal or insect bite, come see us at AFC Urgent Care Monroe Road.